Law & Liberty
On the negative effects of the permanence of electronic documents on criminal sentences and liberty.
A comparison of Laïcité and Disestablishmentarianism with an emphasis on how it impacts the assimilation of Muslims and the social acceptance of Islam in both countries.
Rebuttal of pro-Putin arguments over Ukrainian annexation.
Recovering a State Legal Theory
A response​ to the James Wilson Institute Symposium at Law & Liberty about applying natural law as a legal theory for state police powers.
Islam's Lessons for Liberalism
A review of Mustafa Akyol's Reopening Muslim Minds including a discussion of the relationship between Islamic political thought and Catholic integralism.
What is the telos of the American regime? Many people argue the common good. The truth is ordered liberty.
Many say the Common Law is dead, yet it lives all around us if we just look beyond the confines of elite legal debate.
Puncturing the "Violent Islam" Trope
Islam is frequently called a religion of violence, myopically focusing on a few and the cost of many. What if we did the same to Christianity? Is nothing more than a "death cult"?
How the emotional discipline of polyamory (and such emotional disciplines in general) kill the self.​
The Anchor of Republican Justice
The importance of the jury trial to republican government and virtue.
ISIS: The Taint of Murji’ism and the Curse of Hypocrisy
A peer-reviewed article examining the origins of the term Murji'i and its use in the Islamic State's propaganda.
Islamic Law Is Alive and Well in the US
A discussion of Islamic law in the US
War on the Rocks
Refugees and the Islamic State's Colonization Strategy
How IS used terror and relocation in an attempt to engage in social engineering and shape the Levant to their state.
The Strategy Bridge
Hybrid War and What to Do About It
Hybrid War is old wine in new bottles and American strategic thinking, combined with boldness, hold the key to its defeat.
What if Putin brought hybrid war to the conflicts of Latin America?
Public Discourse
There's More to Graduate School than Careerism
Suggestions to a young conservative thinking about entering the academy and how to navigate graduate school in a principled way.
Anchoring Truths
Why Focusing on Time, Place, or Manner Speech Restrictions Neglects the Natural Roots of Law
A suggestion for a better way to handle First Amendment scrutiny.